Stalker 2 website has new art and music.

Stalker 2 website updated with new art and music, GSC has more to come

GSC Game World has updated the Stalker 2 website with some new art and music files. The developer has also updated the game’s social media presence and is promising more news on the upcoming Stalker sequel. Stalker 2 was officially announced in May 2018.

GSC Game World began sharing a number of old Stalker fan-art, memes, videos, and more on the Stalker Facebook page over the past few months. That has ramped up in the last few days, with the company building up to the slightest look at Stalker 2. A new logo and key art were published today, and the official Stalker 2 website also hosts a new music file. The file is available for download and is titled “014-S2.” It might be a theme song of sorts for Stalker 2, and it is decidedly moody.

Stalker 2 was announced way back in 2010 following the release of Call of Pripyat in 2009. At the time it was scheduled to release in 2012. GSC CEO Sergei Grigorovich said Stalker 2 was being built with a new in-house multi-platform engine. That version of Stalker 2 was officially canceled in April 2012 following speculation after GSC was dissolved in late 2011. The studio reopened with Grigorovich at the helm in 2014 and released Cossacks 3 in 2016.

GSC Game World re-announced Stalker 2 in May 2018 with a tentative release date sometime in 2021. It will be the fourth game in the Stalker series. The first game in the series, Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl, was released in early 2007 for Windows and developed a cult following. The first-person survival horror game was praised for its style and atmosphere, but technical issues were rampant. Stalker: Clear Sky is a prequel that was released in 2008. Call of Pripyat followed in 2009 and featured a number of improvements over its predecessors.

The Stalker series birthed 4A Games and the Metro series, as well as Vostok Games and Survarium. Details on Stalker 2 remain scant, but hopefully, we’ll know more soon.

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