Golf Story creator announced Sports Story game

Golf Story creator announced Sports Story game

Sidebar Games has announced the new Sports Story game, a sequel to the indie game Golf Story. As a sort of “Golf Story 2,” Sports Story incorporates the first game’s golf-based RPG gameplay, along with other sports and non-sport activities. The game will launch exclusively for the Nintendo Switch in mid-2020.

Golf Story’s clever writing and interesting setup made it one of 2017’s best Switch-exclusive games, and Sports Story looks to build on that winning formula. In addition to golf, players will be able to engage in tennis, cricket, volleyball, and soccer, as well as creative mashups of these different sports. Players will also be able to do non-sports activities, like fishing, dungeon crawling, and “stealth infiltrations.”

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At today’s Nintendo Indie World Showcase, where Sports Story was announced, Nintendo also gave Switch fans a look at several other indie games coming to the platform, including Streets of Rage 4, The Talos Principle, Murder By Numbers, Skatebird, and Axiom Verge 2. For more details on all these games, check out our Nintendo Indie World Showcase roundup.

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