axiom verge 2 announced in nintendo indie world showcase

Axiom Verge 2 revealed in Nintendo Indie World Showcase

The Nintendo Indie World Showcase is always a fine place to learn about upcoming Nintendo Switch games. Though the latest December 10, 2019 presentation was filled with hot new experiences, it ended on a real high note: The world reveal of Axiom Verge 2 from independent game developer Thomas Happ.

ALSO: Nintendo Indie World Showcase Roundup | December 10, 2019

Much like the original Axiom Verge, Axiom Verge 2 wears its Metroidvania roots right on its sleeve. The new reveal trailer was short but sweet, showcasing the usual retro pixel-art styling blended with a variety of deadly weapons.

Developer Thomas Happ revealed that he’s been working on Axiom Verge 2 for four years, and promised that players would be able to “discover the origins of the Axiom Verge universe” in the upcoming release.

For now, not too much else is known about the upcoming release. However, Happ did at least give Nintendo Switch owners an idea of when the game would launch. Indie fans and Metroidvania connoisseurs alike can expect to get their hands on Axiom Verge 2 sometime around fall of 2020.

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