matrix 4 prequel

Matrix 4 is a mix of prequel and sequel

The Matrix Resurrections has received its first big trailer, with the video coming in at just under three minutes. There’s plenty of gravity-defying action to enjoy, as is tradition with the Matrix media, but the mix of old and new characters will likely distract viewers and have them wondering: “Is Matrix 4 a prequel or a sequel?” Here’s the need-to-know info.

Is Matrix 4 a prequel or a sequel?

matrix 4 prequel

Matrix 4 is a mixture of prequel and sequel. While Neo is certainly older, he is retreading the path of the original movie.

It’s not clear how Neo got into this situation, but his older character is in a routine of taking the blue pill. That is until Morpheus appears and convinces him to, once again, take the red pill.

Retreading the steps he initially took in the original Matrix movie, Neo meets with Trinity, though she doesn’t recognize him. It’s unclear whether or not Neo is self-aware in these moments, though it becomes clear that he knows his own strength, besting Morpheus in a fight by using his supernatural extreme strength.

Neo’s age suggests that The Matrix Resurrections is a sequel, but the plot and younger surrounding characters suggest it is a prequel.

At the time, fans are only able to speculate on what exactly is going on. There’s the potential for Neo to be consciously revisiting past events in order to change something, but again, that is just speculation.

For now, fans should watch the trailer below and form their own theories.

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