Minecraft Legends Strategy

Minecraft Legends RTS Revealed, Release Date Window Confirmed

The much-rumored Minecraft real-time strategy game was officially unveiled today in the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase. Minecraft Legends is an action strategy game developed by Blackbird Interactive where players have to defend the Overworld and it will be coming to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC next year.

What we know about Minecraft Legends

Minecraft Legends players will find themselves in the middle of the Overworld, which initially looks beautiful with its lush biomes and rich resources, some of which will be familiar to players and others that will seem completely new. The problem is the land is about to be invaded by the piglins from the Nether and they’re threatening to corrupt the Overworld. Players need to team up with “unexpected friends”, including classic mobs from Minecraft, to complete strategic battles against the enemies.

Not only will there be a campaign that can be completed in single-player, but gamers can also team up with their friends to play the campaign in online co-op. There will be competitive multiplayer modes too, although more news on these is promised for later this year. The game is due to be released on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC (both the Windows Store and Steam) at some point during the first half of 2023. As can be expected with all Microsoft first-party releases, the Minecraft Legends strategy game will also be coming on day one to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.

In other news, ARK 2 received a release window for the first half of 2023, as well as confirmation the game will be released on day one on Xbox Game Pass and a trailer featuring Vin Diesel riding dinosaurs. Elsewhere, Overwatch 2 has been announced as a free-to-play game that will have an early access period on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, with cross-platform play and cross-platform progression also confirmed.

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