Skull & Bones Release Date Reveal

Skull & Bones Release Date Reveal Set for July According to Latest Rumor

The development of Skull & Bones has been long and drawn-out, but it seems like it may be nearing an end soon as rumors claim the game will be getting another reveal next month alongside a release date. This will be the first time we’ve seen any official gameplay footage or significant details about the game since 2018.

When will the Skull & Bones release date be revealed?

Skull & Bones

Skull & Bones will be re-revealed with a release date during the week beginning July 4, 2022 according to a report from Try Hard Guides. While the exact details of the reveal are described as “vague”, Ubisoft will apparently be showing official gameplay and will “share some other additional details.” We haven’t seen any official footage from the game since 2018, although a leaked gameplay video from a technical test build gave us some idea of what to expect.

The game’s development is finally believed to be coming to an end after a lengthy process that has involved several reboots. The game was originally unveiled in 2017 had both single-player and multiplayer modes and was intended to be a spin-off Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag game before being turned into its own IP. Since then, the game has been delayed twice, rebooted into a game with a persistent living world, and had a change in leadership. At this point, it was delayed again, rebooted again into a “multiplayer-first” game, and weathered reports of more management issues including the loss of another director. At this point, there aren’t many people who know exactly what Skull & Bones is about any more, so a re-reveal is definitely in order.

In other gaming news, Pokemon Snap has been added to the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack today. Elsewhere, Star Wars KOTOR 2 now has a workaround for Switch players who can’t finish the game because of a crash bug.

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