Starfield Easter Egg Adoring Fan

Starfield Easter Egg Includes Big Elder Scrolls Nod

A new video series answering player questions about Starfield has revealed more details about the game’s Traits. Not only will players be able to permanently remove the negative traits they dislike, there’s also a Starfield Easter Egg in the form of a trait that has a distinct nod to the adoring fan in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

All the Starfield Traits revealed so far

A very brief section of the video scrolled through the majority of the traits that are available during character creation. These include:

  • Alien DNA
  • Dream Home
  • Empath
  • Extrovert
  • Freestar Collective Settler
  • Hero Worshipped
  • Introvert
  • Kid Stuff
  • Neon Street Rat
  • Raised Enlightened
  • Raised Universal
  • Serpent’s Embrace
  • Spaced
  • Taskmaster
  • Terra Firma
  • United Colonies Native

The trait that includes the Starfield Easter Egg nod to Elder Scroll’s Adoring Fan is Hero Worshipped. The description reads “You’ve earned the attention of an annoying “Adoring Fan” who will show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly. On the plus side, he’ll give you gifts…” Like this trait, all of the others will have a positive and a negative side.

Todd Howard did explain that players will be able to permanently remove the traits they dislike through “an activity or quest”. Howard didn’t explain whether each trait would have its own quest or whether players would be able to replace that trait with another one.

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