Sacha Baron Cohen (Photo by Rick Rycroft-Pool/Getty Images)

Rumor: Sacha Baron Cohen Joins Agatha Coven of Chaos Cast, Films Secret Scenes

According to a new rumor, Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen has joined the Agatha: Coven of Chaos cast. This comes not long after Cohen was reportedly cast for another MCU show, Ironheart. If all these rumors are correct, the actor will appear on the Agatha Disney Plus show as none other than the devil himself.

Agatha Coven of Chaos cast reportedly adds Sacha Baron Cohen

According to a report by leaker MyTimeToShineHello on Twitter, actor Sacha Baron Cohen has “secretly filmed some scenes” for the upcoming MCU show Agatha: Coven of Chaos. According to previous reports, Cohen may be playing Mephisto, the devil-equivalent in the Marvel universe.

This follows a report by Deadline back in October about Sacha Baron Cohen possibly joining Marvel Studios projects. The rumor there was that Cohen was joining the cast of Ironheart, the Disney Plus MCU show that was set up in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Deadline’s source stated that Cohen would be playing the demonic Mephisto. It also suggested that, if true, then Cohen would likely also appear on the upcoming Agatha Harkness show. This new leak suggests this assumption was correct.

Mephisto has long been rumored for the MCU. Fans were certain the demon would be pulling the strings in WandaVision, alongside Agatha Harkness. In fact, many thought Agatha’s rabbit Senor Scratchy was actually Mephisto — ‘Mr. Scratch’ is an old name for the devil, and Mephisto is basically the devil. Fans were equally certain Mephisto was being teased in Loki but that came to nothing too.

If these rumors are correct, then Marvel may be bowing to fan demand and finally putting Mephisto in the MCU. At the very least, Sacha Baron Cohen seems to have a secret role across multiple Marvel Disney Plus shows. Even if he is not playing Mephisto, that is intriguing in and of itself.

Head here to check out everything on the Agatha: Coven of Chaos cast.

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