ant man wasp quantumania early first reactions
Image: Jay Maidment/Marvel

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania First Review Reactions Praise Jonathan Majors

The first review reactions to Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania have arrived. As the movie to kickstart Phase 5 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there is a lot riding on the film being a success. Fortunately, judging by the responses of those who have had a chance to check out the MCU feature early, fans have a lot to be excited about. Jonathan Majors in particular appears to have set the bar high as the villainous Kang the Conqueror.

Jonathan Majors is “new king of the Multiverse” in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania early reactions

Jonathan Majors is “excellent” as Kang in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, according to those who have seen the movie. He “demands your attention,” and “absolutely shines” in the role, which lays the foundations for “big implications for the future.”

While some describe Quantumania as being “overly ambitious,” and a film that “misses the mark,” it appears that everybody would agree in Majors being an “absolute force” and “the new king of the Multiverse.” It also appears as though Corey Stoll’s MODOK makes a big impression, as one person said “Twitter is going to be roasting MCU MODOK for years to come.”

Perhaps the most intriguing reaction came from reporter Germain Lussier, who said that Quantumania is “the best Star Wars movie since 2018.” He added that “it’s a huge sci-fi adventure with gorgeous world building that feels almost little un-Marvel in how much world building there is. But it’s got humor, heart, Kang completely rules and Michelle Pfeiffer steals it.”

Quantumania sees Ant-Man and the Wasp exploring the Quantum Realm, after being sucked into the dangerous frontier along with their family. There, they face off against Kang the Conqueror, and come face-to-face with MODOK.

In other news, Breaking Bad’s Walt and Jesse have reunited in a Super Bowl 2023 ad, and Hogwarts Legacy’s PC performance has been criticized in early reviews.

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