hogwarts legacy console sales ps5 xbox

82% of Hogwarts Legacy Console Sales Were Made on PS5

Hogwarts Legacy was expected by many to be the biggest title of the year, and the latest sales figures have met this expectation. The UK’s physical console games chart placed it at number one, with the vast majority of sales happening on the PS5.

Hogwarts Legacy is this week’s best-selling game on consoles

According to data reported by GamesIndustry, Hogwarts Legacy tops the charts of the UK’s boxed charts, beating out God of War Ragnarok and FIFA 23 (last week’s #1 holder). 82% of the sales were made on PS5, with just 18% on Xbox Series X|S. We won’t see any data on sales from the PS4 and Xbox One until the game launches on these platforms on April 4.

Sony’s exclusive marketing deal with Warner Bros meant that PS5 owners would receive exclusive content that won’t arrive on other platforms until April 10. That being said, last year’s release of Elden Ring saw 80% of UK physical sales in its first week coming from PS5 and PS4, so sales disparity is likely due to console popularity rather than exclusive content. Of course, we haven’t got data for digital sales yet, which could balance the scales towards Xbox Series X|S.

Despite the performance issues on PC, Hogwarts Legacy also filled the top four spots of Steam’s Weekly Global Top Sellers chart (due to the different editions of the game available for purchase).

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