Pokemon Presents Date

Pokemon Presents Date Revealed, Red and Blue Teased for Nintendo Switch Online

A brand new Pokemon Presents has been announced, and the official Pokemon Twitter account appears to be teasing Pokemon Red and Blue for Nintendo Switch Online.

Pokemon Presents date, time, and Pokemon Red and Blue for Switch teased

Pokemon Presents will be taking place next week, February 27, on the same day that the original Pokemon Red and Blue were released. It’ll be taking place at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET / 2 PM GMT. It’ll be twenty minutes long according to a tweet, and will show off the future of Pokemon.

Pokemon Presents always like to take a look at the future of Pokemon, but the tweet specifically shows the original 151 Pokemon, that being the first generation of Pokemon from way back in Pokemon Red and Blue.

With the new addition of GBA and GB games to the Nintendo Switch Online service, it’s possible that we see Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue added to the service on Pokemon Day itself. That would mean Red and Blue finally becoming available to play on Nintendo Switch.

In other Nintendo news, a new leak for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom has been proven false and we take a look at the return of Harvest Moon.

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