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Capcom Spotlight to Show Resident Evil 4, Exoprimal, and More Next Week

Capcom has announced its digital showcase event, the Capcom Spotlight, is set to take place next week. The stream will feature updates on Resident Evil 4 remake, Exoprimal, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, and the next big Monster Hunter Rise content drop. The event will take place on March 9 and will run for approximately 26 minutes, with a pre-show airing 20 minutes prior.

Check out previews from Capcom’s upcoming game roster

One of the most anticipated games of 2023 is Resident Evil 4 Remake, and this could be our last major look before its launch later this month. Exoprimal, a multiplayer shooter that is definitely not Dino Crisis, will also be featured. Additionally, fans can expect updates on Monster Hunter Rise, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, and the Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective remaster.

You can catch the Capcom Spotlight digital showcase on the official Capcom YouTube and Twitch accounts on March 9 at 2:30 pm PT/5:30 pm ET. While the company has promised to provide further details on the game titles mentioned above, there are some notable absences, including Street Fighter 6. Additionally, Pragmata is still scheduled to launch in 2023, but we haven’t seen anything new about it since it was announced at the PS5 reveal stream almost three years ago.

We recently got to get a sneak peek at Resident Evil 4 remake. Check out some of the big changes in our preview.

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