Stalker 2 GDC 2023

STALKER 2 to Be Shown off at GDC 2023

STALKER 2 is finally being shown off again at GDC 2023, following several delays due to world events. The presentation will be hosted by Nvidia, where footage will be shown of the highly-anticipated survival-horror FPS.

STALKER 2 to be shown at Game Developers Conference 2023 by Nvidia

STALKER 2 has been in development since 2010 and was originally supposed to release over a decade ago, but various different issues in development mean that the game was delayed multiple times.

The latest delay was due to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with development being paused indefinitely before eventually resuming in Prague. The game will now be shown off at GDC 2023, with the schedule listing ‘STALKER 2: Next Gen Game Development.’

The game will be shown off during Nvidia’s Omniverse Audio2Face presentation, with its description reading: “Join this session to hear how developers from GSC are adopting generative AI technology from NVIDIA in their content creation workflows.”

It’s currently unknown whether or not this showcase will include any new release details. What we do know is that the game is currently planned as a Microsoft exclusive for the first three months of release, with the game also launching on Xbox Game Pass.

The game is the latest in the STALKER series, following the release of STALKER: Call of Pripyat in 2009, and the fourth game in the series overall.

In other gaming news, The Finals has started its closed beta, and Cities Skylines 2 has been announced as being in development.

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