The Outer Worlds Spacer's Choice Edition Steam PC

The Outer Worlds Spacer’s Choice Frame Rate, Performance Slammed by PC Steam Reviews

Private Division and Obsidian Entertainment have released The Outer Worlds Spacer’s Choice Edition on Steam, and players are not happy with it in the slightest. In particular, the game’s PC performance and frame rate have been slammed by Steam user reviews, which currently has an overall “very negative” rating. Currently, only 19% of Steam user reviews have a positive recommendation.

Many Steam user reviews say the original The Outer Worlds is better

Looking through the negative user reviews on Steam, the general complaint is that The Outer Worlds Spacer’s Choice Edition runs worse than the original game. Given that the base game has received multiple patches and updates, that’s a bit of a surprise.

Many users note that the game struggles to reach 60 fps (or something similar to that) despite running it on a high-end PC. One user writes: “30 FPS with an RTX 4090, 12700K and 32GB memory? No thanks, chief…” Another says the game runs at only 35fps with a 3080 Ti graphics card. Other user reviews claim that the game causes a high GPU temp and that there’s a lot of stuttering in the game’s starting area.

Users on the Steam community hub forum are trying to figure out how to mitigate and fix these performance issues. Some suggest turning down the Visual Effects and Global Illumination settings to medium or low, but ultimately a performance patch or update is needed to make the Spacer’s Choice Edition run better.

It’s possible to get The Outer Worlds Spacer’s Choice Edition for just $10. Obsidian Entertainment is currently working on The Outer Worlds 2.

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