Scream 7 greenlit rumors release date cast
Image: Paramount Pictures/Spyglass Media Group

Scream 7 Release Date Rumors, Cast, and Has It Been Greenlit?

Scream 6, stylized as Scream VI, may only just be hitting movie theaters, but that hasn’t stopped speculation running rife about yet another sequel, with rumors suggesting that Scream 7 has already been greenlit, with a release date and full cast announcement to follow in the coming months. Here’s everything we know so far about the potential horror movie.

Has Scream 7 been greenlit?

There has been no official announcement about Scream 7 being greenlit. A number of reports, however, have claimed that Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Media Group have given the thumbs up to yet another sequel in the slasher franchise.

The initial “exclusive” came from ScreenGeek, who claimed that their sources confirmed Scream 7 was going to start shooting later this year (2023). If that is the case, then a release may not be too far away.

Scream 7 greenlit rumors release date cast
Image: Paramount Pictures/Spyglass Media Group

What is the Scream 7 release date?

No Scream 7 release date has been announced. However, if the studio pushes ahead with filming for the horror movie in 2023, then the turnaround could be a quick one, mirroring the short time before the releases of Scream 5 and Scream 6.

Scream 5 was released in January 2022, and Scream 6 would follow just 14 months later. If this sequel follows a similar release date pattern, then we could be looking at the next installment in the series dropping at some point in May 2024.

Who is in the Scream 7 cast? (Spoilers)

The Scream 7 cast has not yet been confirmed. However, after the events of Scream 6, we can expect to see the following actors return:

  • Melissa Barrera as Sam Carpenter
  • Jenna Ortega as Tara Carpenter
  • Jasmin Savoy Brown as Mindy Meeks-Martin
  • Mason Gooding as Chad Meeks-Martin
  • Courteney Cox as Gale Weathers
  • Hayden Panettiere as Kirby Reed
  • Josh Segarra as Danny Brackett

While Neve Campbell did not return for Scream 6 following a pay dispute, it will be interesting to see if she brings the franchise’s original “Scream Queen,” Sidney Prescott, back in the seventh installment.

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