Exoprimal and MH: Sunbreak Release Dates Leak
Image via Capcom

Exoprimal and MH: Sunbreak Release Dates Leak Ahead of Capcom Spotlight

Not even hours prior to the upcoming Capcom Spotlight showcase, release dates for Exoprimal and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak‘s console drop have both reportedly leaked online. It’s understood that the Capcom show is also due to reveal further information surrounding Resident Evil 4 Remake, the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, and a Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective remaster.

Exoprimal and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak console release dates leaked early

The news broke through Insider Gaming, whose sources claim Exoprimal will release this summer on July 14, 2023, for PS4, PS5, Xbox, and PC. In a quick mention within the same leak, Monster Hunter Rise’s Sunbreak expansion content is revealed to be coming to consoles on April 28, 2023.

While not exactly the next Dino Crisis that many fans were expecting early teases of Exoprimal to be, the dinosaur horde VS mech team shooter has many still intrigued, with former Dino Crisis producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi credited as a producer on the unrelated Exoprimal.

Console players who were concerned with only receiving the base version of Monster Hunter Rise are likely breathing a sigh of relief also, as the expansion will provide much-needed reinvigoration on the vanilla title’s bare end-game content.

In other news, The Outer Worlds Spacer’s Choice performance has been slammed by PC Steam reviews.

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