Pokemon NFTs

Pokemon Might Be Getting Into NFTs and Blockchain

Pokemon might be getting into NFTs and the Blockchain if a new job listing is to be believed.

Pokemon could be making the move to NFTs

The job listing states that The Pokemon Company is looking for “deep knowledge and understanding of Web 3, including blockchain technologies and NFT, and/or metaverse” before going on to say that it’s also looking for people who are “deeply connected to a network of investors and entrepreneurs in the technology sectors above.”

Now, this could mean nothing. With the advent of new technologies, you get companies looking into those technologies to find out about any potential applications that technology might have to their IP. The worrying part is that if any gaming franchise is going to be lucrative in the NFT field, it’s Pokemon, a franchise with almost a thousand different creatures, meaning the potential for a ridiculous profit.

It remains to be seen what, if anything, comes from this. With Pokemon centered around family-friendly fun, any implementation of NFTs or blockchain tech would be heavily scrutinized. Time will tell if Pokemon remains NFT-free, or not.

In other gaming news, the real-life Mario Bros boots aren’t for sale, and The Outer Worlds Spacers Choice is being slammed on Steam.

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