Starfield No Sex Rating

Starfield Has No Sex Despite New R18+ Rating

Australia’s new R18+ rating for Starfield has revealed that the game contains no sex. There’s not even enough sex for the Australian regulator to give it a general “G” rating for it. This is surprising given that other Bethesda games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim VR have received at least some rating for sex by the same regulator.

Starfield also receives a “very mild” rating for nudity

The ratings board for Australia hands out a separate rating for each game on violence, language, drug use, themes, nudity, and sex. Starfield has received an R18+ rating based solely on the game’s drug use, while its rating for violence is in the Mature M15 category. By contrast, nudity only has a “very mild impact” on the game, and sex has no impact at all.

Compared to Australia’s ratings for other Bethesda games, sex has a “moderate impact” in Fallout 4 and a “mild impact” in Skyrim VR.

This lack of sex in Starfield suggests that the romantic relationships in the game, if there are any in the first place, will have no sex scenes. Flirting and sexual innuendo jokes may not be available through dialogue options. There may not even be an option to bring a partner to a bed, see a black screen, and then simply wake up the next day fully clothed.

In January, Starfield development was apparently in “rough shape” according to a leaker. Bethesda still has a Starfield showcase scheduled sometime this year.

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