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John Wick 4: Where and How to Watch Online Free via Netflix, Amazon Prime, or YouTube

John Wick 4 is coming out soon, with the Keanu Reeves-starring sequel set to make its debut in theaters on March 24, 2023. However, with so many moviegoers no longer wanting to venture out and about to see the latest blockbusters, many are wondering if its to watch via streaming services such as Netflix,

Can you watch John Wick 4 online free via stream?

John Wick Chapter 4 will be available to watch in theaters on March 24, 2023, after which it will make its debut on streaming platform. Expect it to be available to watch for free (that is, if you have a subscription with one of these services!) as early as 2024 or late 2023.

Can you watch John Wick 4 on Netflix?

John Wick Chapter 4 will likely eventually release on Netflix, if its predecessor is anything to go by. The previous entry in the film released in 2019 before being made available to stream on Netflix in the following year, so going by this pattern, John Wick 4 could be available to watch on Netflix by 2024.

Can you watch John Wick 4 on YouTube?

John Wick 4 will likely be available to rent on YouTube by 2024, given John Wick Chapter 3’s appearance on the video-sharing site. Distributor Lionsgate has yet to officially confirm which services the film will debut on, but given the series’ track record, expect it on YouTube eventually.

Can you watch John Wick 4 on Amazon Prime?

You can watch John Wick Chapter 3 on Amazon Prime Video right here. As such, John Wick 4 will presumably eventually be available to rent on the online retailer’s streaming service.

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