does john wick really die in john wick chapter 4
Image: Lionsgate

Does John Wick Really Die in John Wick Chapter 4?

The John Wick franchise is one that has taken the world by storm, but those who have now ventured out to the movie theaters to watch John Wick: Chapter 4 know that perhaps the film’s biggest moment came when its titular anti-hero, played by Keanu Reeves, died. Is John Wick really dead, or will he make a return in the future? Here’s what we know about John Wick’s death in John Wick 4.

Is John Wick really dead after John Wick 4?

Yes, John Wick really is dead. After a violent and bloody fight with the blind assassin Caine, Wick was mortally wounded, and succumbed to his injuries on the steps of the Sacré-Cœur in Paris, with memories of his late wife Helen to soothe his passing. Wick’s body was later brought back to New York by Winston, so that he could be buried alongside his wife.

does John Wick really die in John Wick Chapter 4 dead
Image: Lionsgate

Of course, there are some theories that Wick’s final moments weren’t actually his last at all. Wick could have simply passed out due to the heavy blood loss he had suffered, and then faked his death so he can retire and lead a life of peace, away from the violence that has been sewn so deeply into his core. If John Wick 5 does make it to movie theaters in the future, it should answer any lingering questions people have about the reality surrounding John Wick’s death in Chapter 4.

What we do already know, is that this isn’t Wick’s final outing. He will be seen in the spinoff movie Ballerina, starring Ana de Armas in the titular role as a young assassin, seeking vengeance and the ultimate revenge against the people who murdered her family. This is also set to star Lance Reddick for one last time, following his tragic and untimely passing.

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