I Am Legend 2 release date 2023 2024 canceled
Image: Warner Bros.

Is There an I Am Legend 2 Release Date in 2023 or 2024, or Has It Been Canceled?

It has been over a year since it was revealed that I Am Legend 2 was in development, but with hardly any updates from that point, fans are wondering whether the movie has been canceled, or if there is a release date set for the film at some time in 2023 or 2024. Here’s what we know about the I Am Legend sequel, which many are calling Chapter 2, or Part 2.

What is the I Am Legend 2 release date?

I Am Legend 2 does not have an official release date at the time of writing. While a sequel is in development, there has been no news or reports about filming taking place.

Many believe that the project has been delayed due to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars in 2022, which resulted in some hilarious memes circulating across the internet. Smith is set to reprise his role as Robert Neville, and will co-produce the movie alongside Michael B. Jordan, who will also star in an undisclosed role.

Has I Am Legend 2 been canceled?

No, I Am Legend 2 has not been canceled. Earlier this year (2023), filmmaker Akiva Goldsman confirmed that Warner Bros would still be pushing forward with the sequel.

Goldsman opened up about what fans should expect from the sequel, revealing (via Deadline) that it will “start a few decades later than the first,” and will afford “a little more fidelity to the original text.” He is of course talking about the original novel on which the movies are based, written by Richard Matheson.

Goldsman added that he had become “obsessed with The Last of Us, where we see the world just post-apocalypse but also after a 20-30-year lapse.” It will be interesting to see if the influence from that video game franchise-turned HBO TV show is noticeable once I Am Legend 2 makes it to the big screen.

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