Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Pro Controller Release Date and Price Revealed

An official Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Pro Controller has been revealed for Nintendo Switch alongside the gorgeous Zelda Switch OLED that’s available for pre-order. The release date for this special edition Pro Controller will coincide with the release of the game, while the price for the peripheral will be more than usual cost of the controller.

Tears of the Kingdom Pro Controller features the Triforce

The Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Pro Controller will release on May 12, according to official word from Nintendo. This is a more exact release date than what is shown for the controller’s entry in the Nintendo Store which, at the time of this writing, only says “May 2023” as a release window.

The official entry also doesn’t reveal a price, but Nintendo will suggest a price tag of $74.99 for the controller, which is five dollars more than the standard black Pro Controller.

Officially named the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller – Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Edition, the peripheral features engravings of the Triforce, multiple gold concentric circles, and an interesting white handle for the right side of the controller. Per usual, the Pro Controller will feature motion controls, HD rumble, and built-in amiibo functionality.

A new Tears of the Kingdom carrying case for Nintendo Switch will also release on the same date of May 21 and cost $24.99.

We recommend that you pre-order these accessories at your retailer of choice as soon as possible before they are all snatched up.

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