dungeons and dragons movie where how to watch free online streaming honor among thieves
Image: Aidan Monaghan/Paramount Pictures/eOne

Dungeons and Dragons Movie: Where and How to Watch Honor Among Thieves via Online Streaming

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is set to hit theaters on March 31, 2023, but there are some movie lovers that want to see the Dungeons & Dragons from the comfort of their own home. With that in mind, we’ve taken a look at where and how you can watch the Dungeons and Dragons movie via online streaming, on platforms such as Paramount Plus, and Amazon’s Prime Video.

Can you watch the Dungeons and Dragons movie online free via stream?

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves will be available to stream online at some point after its theatrical release, on March 31, 2023. Those who have a subscription with the streaming platform on which it will debut will be able to watch the film for “free,” and a trial may be available when the movie does arrive.

dungeons and dragons movie where how to watch free online streaming honor among thieves
Image: Paramount Pictures/eOne

Can you watch Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves on Paramount Plus?

The Dungeons and Dragons movie, Honor Among Thieves, will eventually be released on Paramount Plus, as it’s a Paramount Pictures film.

Paramount Plus currently offers a free trial for new subscribers. Whether or not that free option will still be available when Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves makes it to the streaming platform, however, remains to be seen. No official date has yet been set, but if it follows a similar release schedule to Paramount Pictures movies in the past, then it will likely be streaming in July or August 2023.

Can you watch the Dungeons and Dragons movie on Amazon Prime Video?

You will eventually be able to watch Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves on Amazon via their Prime Video service, but it will likely be at a cost. Members are likely going to be able to either rent or buy the film when it becomes available for digital download, which is probably a few months down the line from its theatrical release.

You can check out the final trailer for Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves below:

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