TikTok Run the Gauntlet Challenge

TikTok Run the Gauntlet Challenge: How to Watch Video Level 1

The TikTok “Run the Gauntlet” challenge is gaining traction on TikTok, trending and causing users to make videos about it. Unfortunately, it’s one of the more gruesome challenges featured and isn’t for the faint of heart. The videos are NSFW and not enjoyable to watch. The majority of users are best off avoiding it, but for those who do want to try it, here’s how to do the TikTok Run the Gauntlet challenge.

How to do the TikTok Run the Gauntlet Challenge

To do the TikTok Run the Gauntlet challenge, users should:

  1. First, head to the Run The Gauntlet website by finding it through a search engine.
    • Note that this website is NSFW and features Mature 18+ content that is not suitable for children.
  2. Start recording your TikTok or video.
  3. Select “Begin your journey” on the challenge.
  4. “Beginner Level 1” will start to play.
  5. Viewers have to watch each video in order to progress to the next level.

How many levels does the Run the Gauntlet video challenge have?

There are 20 levels in the current Run the Gauntlet video challenge for TikTok.

For more TikTok guides, here’s the latest information on the dangerous “School Shooting Challenge.” And here’s how to fix the “No Internet Connection” error that appears on iPhone and Android.

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