Hell's Paradise Episode 3 Release Date and Time

Hell’s Paradise Episode 3 Release Date and Time

We’ve got the Hell’s Paradise Episode 3 release date and time. This new series from Mappa is based on a popular manga that tasks an immortal ninja with a seemingly impossible mission. You don’t have long to wait, either, as this is a simulcast series. Keep reading below to find out when you can look forward to episode 3.

When is the Hell’s Paradise Episode 3 release date and time?

Hell’s Paradise Episode 3 releases on Friday, April 14. Here’s when you can expect it:

  • JST: 12:30 am (4/15)
  • PDT: 8:30 am
  • EDT: 11:30 am
  • BST: 4:30 pm
  • CEST: 5:30 pm
  • AEST: 1:30 pm (4/15)

You can look for the episode at the above times if you have a Crunchyroll premium subscription. Unfortunately, it’s not immediately available on the free tier, and there’s no guarantee it will ever be.

If you haven’t heard of Hell’s Paradise yet, check out this synopsis to see if it’s for you:

“Gabimaru the Hollow, a ninja assassin, is sentenced to death, but owing to his extraordinary body, nothing appears to kill him. Finally, realizing that all attempts at killing Gabimaru have failed, Executioner Yamada Asaemon Sagiri gives him the opportunity to be absolved of all his crimes if he discovers the elixir of life in a recently discovered fabled land. After losing five expedition teams dispatched to the island, the Shogunate sends a group of death row inmates (including Gabimaru) this time. The prisoners are each assigned a Yamada Asaemon executioner, with whom they must return in order to get the pardon.”

You can also check when the next episodes of Gundam: Witch From Mercury and Demon Slayer come out.

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