One Piece Episode 1058 Release Date Time
[Image Credit: Toei Animation]

One Piece Episode 1058 Release Date and Time on Crunchyroll

The One Piece episode 1058 release date and time are right on track. In the last episode, we finally saw Sanji and Zoro unleash badass moves on their enemies. And in this new episode in the Wano Country arc, we’ll see the fire continue to spread throughout the castle as the Kurozumi Clan and Big Mom strike back against our heroes. Here’s when episode 1058 will be available on Crunchyroll.

What is the One Piece episode 1058 release date and time?

The One Piece episode 1058 release date is April 15 in the US on the Crunchyroll streaming service.

As usual, Japan will get a half-hour head start on every other region, but here are the release times for other international time zones:

  • US West – April 15, 6PM PST
  • US East – April 15, 9PM EST
  • UK – April 16, 2AM BST
  • European – April 16, 3AM CEST
  • Japan – April 16, 9:30AM JST

The title for the episode, “The Onslaught of Kazenbo – Orochi’s Evil Clutches Close In,” gives a few hints on what will likely happen in the next episode as Orochi and Kazenbo attempt to follow through on their threats.

For more guides on anime, here are the release dates and times for I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World episode 3 and Gundam Witch From Mercury season 2 episode 2.

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