cod mw2 season 3 update size

Warzone 2 and MW2 Season 3 Update Size: How Big Is the Download?

Call of Duty: MW2 and Warzone 2 Season 3‘s update size is concerning as those eager to play immediately may have to wait for a large download. Season 3 is available to download on PC, Xbox, PS5, and PS4 from April 12, but here’s what we know about how big the update size is.

How big is the MW2 Season 3 update download size?

MW2 Season 3’s update size will likely be between 12GB and 30GB, depending on your platform. These numbers are based on Season 2’s download size:

  • PS4 & PS5: 12.5GB to 13.2GB.
  • Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S: 25GB.
  • PC: 28GB.

However, you may need more space due to the content included in the Season 3 download. This is because Season 3 is the biggest update yet, adding new content for all game modes and substantially reworking DMZ. The major changes in Warzone 2 and MW2 Season 3 may therefore require more space on your console or desktop PC.

The final update size for MW2 may vary, depending on your platform. Updates need temporary copying space to install, so if your update is larger than others, don’t worry. The final size of MW2 or Warzone 2 will be the same as others.

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