overwatch 2 ultimate battle pass bundle worth it

Is the Overwatch 2 Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle Worth It?

Buying the Overwatch 2 Season 4 Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle gets you the Battle Pass plus lots of extra content. But is it worth it? It costs £25/$30, a hefty investment for a Battle Pass, so many people wonder if it’s good value for money. This guide breaks down everything included in the Overwatch 2 Season 4 Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle and tells you whether it’s worth it.

What is in the Overwatch 2 Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle?

The Overwatch 2 Ultimate Pass Bundle includes the following:

  • Season Four Premium Battle Pass + 20 Tier Skips
  • 2000 Overwatch Coins
  • Legendary Infinite Guard:76 Skin
  • Epic Infinite Ace D.Va Skin
  • Infinite Airwings Weapon Charm

Should you buy the Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle?

The Overwatch 2 Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle is worth it as it gives you the value of three battle passes in one.

If you want the Season 4 Battle Pass, you must spend $10. You could also buy the Battle Pass with 20 Tier Skips for $20. However, these can only be purchased with Overwatch Coins.

Buying the Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle gets you 2,000 Coins worth $20. These coins mean you could buy two future Battle Passes without spending extra money. (The Overwatch 2 Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle cannot be purchased with Coins) The two new skins and the weapon charm are nice but don’t add much value to the bundle. As such, it’s is an excellent investment if you plan on buying future Battle Passes.

For more Overwatch 2 guides, here’s a fix for matchmaking error messages and for the Battle Pass not unlocking after purchase

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