overwatch 2 hollywood new queen street map changes other fixes

Overwatch 2 Season 4 Map Changes: Hollywood, New Queen Street, and Other Fixes

Overwatch 2 Season 4 is under way, and with it have come some map changes to Hollywood and New Queen Street, along with other game fixes. Here’s exactly what has changed during Season 4 of Overwatch 2.

What are the Hollywood and New Queen Street map changes in Overwatch 2 Season 4

Both the Hollywood and New Queen Street maps have seen the time of day change in Overwatch 2 Season 4. Hollywood has gone from day to night, as previously seen during a Halloween event, while New Queen Street has moved from noon to dawn. The lighting changes in the latter are subtle, but effective in breathing new life into the map.

Overwatch 2 Season 4 map fixes explained

overwatch 2 hollywood new queen street map changes other fixes

A handful of other maps have received small lighting changes. Circuit Royale has seen “multiple lighting issues” fixed, while devs have worked on updating “multiple cases of lighting and geometry” in Hanamura. If you’ve ever been stuck in one spot in Ilios, you shouldn’t now face the same issue, and areas in Oasis that blocked players and gameplay have been fixed.

For more Overwatch 2 guides, here’s whether or not the Overwatch 2 Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle is worth it, and how to fix the Overwatch 2 Season 4 Premium Battle Pass not unlocking after purchase.

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