Minecraft Legends Co-Op Multiplayer How to Play With Friends

Minecraft Legends Co-Op: How to Play PvP and Campaign With Friends

Minecraft Legends co-op multiplayer is one of the best features of the game, but it can be tricky to figure out how to play PvP and the Campaign story mode with friends. In either mode, you can team up with other players to help build castles and defenses while fighting against enemy forces. Here’s how to get co-op to work in the game.

How to play Minecraft Legends co-op for PvP

To activate Minecraft Legends co-op for PvP, you need to perform the following:

  1. Choose Versus Mode from the main menu
  2. Select Public Game, or Host Game and then Private Game
  3. Go to the Friends button (or press Tab if you’re on PC) to invite your friends over
  4. Start the game once all your friends are loaded in and ready

If you want to play a game with just your friends without random strangers, you’ll need to select the Private Game option.

How to play co-op in Campaign mode

Here are the steps to play Minecraft Legends co-op for the story-based Campaign mode:

  1. Select Campaign from the main menu
  2. Start a fresh campaign or continue an existing one
  3. Head to the Friends button (again, that’s Tab on PC) and invite your friends over to the session
  4. Once everyone is ready, start the game

For more guides, here’s whether the game is crossplay or cross-platform, and if it’s available on Xbox Game Pass.

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