dead island 2 how to get character packs

All Dead Island 2 Character Packs: How To Get and Buy

Dead Island 2 is out on April 28, and two optional character packs can offer players extra content for their games. However, finding out how to buy these character packs isn’t obvious. We’ll walk you through how to get and buy each Dead Island 2 character pack.

Where to get the Dead Island 2 character packs

You can get the Dead Island 2 character packs by buying the Deluxe or Gold edition of the game. Both editions include both packs but also have some extra content on top. If you pre-order Dead Island 2, you’ll get even more content.

What is in the character packs?

Character pack 1 includes:

  • Rodeo Sunset costume for Jacob
  • Devil’s Horseshoes weapon

Character pack 2 includes:

  • Neurunner skin for Amy
  • Saimir & Julienne weapon

While the respective character can only use the costumes, the weapons can be equipped by any character.

These only cover two of the six playable characters in Dead Island 2, so we may see four more for the rest of the characters in the future.

If you’re keen to play Dead Island 2 but aren’t sure which edition is best for you, read our breakdown on whether the Gold Edition is worth it.

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