dead island 2 weapon rarity

Dead Island 2 Weapon Rarity Order: Which Color Weapons Are Best?

Dead Island 2 has five types of weapon rarity, and knowing which color weapons are best is vital to avoiding a gruesome death. We’ll walk you through the best weapon rarity, where to get weapons from this group, and other valuable tips.

Which Dead Island 2 weapon rarity is best?

The best weapon rarity in Dead Island 2 is Orange, but you can make do with weapons of lesser rarity. This is the complete list of weapon rarities, ordered by how easy they are to find:

  • White (Common).
    • Common weapons have one perk slot.
  • Green (Uncommon).
    • Uncommon weapons have two perk slots.
  • Blue (Rare)
    • Rare weapons have three perk slots.
  • Purple (Superior)
    • Superior weapons have four perk slots.
  • Orange (Legendary)
    • Legendary weapons have four perk slots.

Each weapon comes with at least one in-built perk. Orange (Legendary) weapons are the best because not only will they have better stats, but they can have ultra-rare perks.

Unique weapons don’t fit in the regular tier list, as there’s only one of each. These weapons can be identified by their name (Unique weapon names never include the name of the weapon type), and they cannot be scrapped or sold. In many situations, these might be better than Legendary weapons.

So while you should watch out for Legendary weapons, Unique weapons may offer the most fun. Of course, you’ll want to ensure you’ve paired your weapon with the best character.

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